Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have an extra moment this afternoon and I thought I would get on and write a little more.

My three year old twins are winding down on thier nap time which is fine, they went a lot longer than Joseph did on his nap time. The hard thing is that your life becomes so used to the nap time that when it ends, it is difficult to adjust to the extra time. What do you do? Let them try to sleep still or just let them stay up? Oh, what to do? The problem is that they are still grumpy and ready for bed at 6:00 p.m. when they do not take a nap. But then they do not sleep in the afternoon. With Mike going to school twice a week and then a study group once a week I am with the kids all day by myself for four out of the five days through the end of the year. Sometimes it is a little overwhelming to think about. But, many people have done it before me so I will figure it out. I know that my mom did the single parent for many years as my dad traveled on a weekly basis when we were growing up. He not only traveled a lot but was gone for his church callings as well. He was gone a whole bunch when I was growing up. So, if my mom can do it I know I can because I learned from the best. It must have been very hard for her but I do not recall her ever complaining about it. She made the best of the situation. She was willing to up and move about every 18 months to 2 years as my dad took promotions and different job opportunuties throughout the country and abroad as well. We never lived around family except when I was very young and living in Arizonia. But that was when I was younger than Joseph. By the time I was eight, we lived far away from family until well forever after that I suppose. I have lived in many places and sometime soon I will write more about that as well.

I beleive I was writing about my time with the library. I loved that time and really miss it. Someday I would like to go back and do that again.

My next section I think that I will write about will be some of the memorable stories reguarding some of our crazy neighbors in the apartment complex. You would not beleive some of the people that we lived near by. I will not tell every story because I am sure that it would take up many volumns, but I will tell some of the better ones.

But I have to go now to pick up Joseph from school, more later.

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.