Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hello. Its me again. I have an extra moment. Back to the apartment. We were living there for a couple of weeks and then I began to get a little worried thinking that I was a little late, like over two weeks late if you know what I mean. I was so clueless, I did not know what to do or who to ask. I realized that we had a 24 hour nurse line with our brand new health insurance, in effect the week before. So, I called. The nurse began naming off all the early signs of pregnancy and by that time I had all of them. Oh man, I was freaking out. She suggested that I take an EPT, and I said what was that. She described it to me and then I asked where to buy one. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting myself into.

I bought the test and then took it that night. I locked myself into the tiny bathroom and took it. Of course it came positive because at that point I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I then sat on the floor and sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. I would not let Mike in, I would not speak to him. I was so stupid. I was so overwhelmed. I did not what to think or what to feel. It was crazy. After the initial surprise, we began to adjust to the idea. That is where the apartment thing comes in. We (or I should say Mike) decieded that it was best that we stay in the complex just get a bigger place. So that is what we did. When I was seven months pregnant we moved into the second apartment across the pond. Our complex was huge. It had 11 buildings seven of which surrounded a large pond that sat in the middle. The problem with the pond was in the winter months there was a large flock of Canadien geese that took up resindence there. For three winters I endured their presence. If you have never had the pleasure of living near a flock of geese let me enlighten you about it at once.

They are loud, they are dirty, they are mean, they are aggresive, and they poop everywhere. This is one of the many reasons why I hated living there.

Got to go, more soon.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Not much of a geese fan, are ya? ;) Glad you have since figured out what to do with an EPT. :)

About Me

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.