Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have a few extra moments, so I thought I would write a little more.

I had a really fun girls weekend this past weekend. My three friends and I went up to Estes Park for the night. It was myself, Melissa, Kristie, and Elizabeth. We had a great time. I arranged a sitter because we left around 4:00 that afternoon. Then we drove up north and picked up Melissa who lives in Frederick which is near Longmont. We then made the trip up the mountain into Estes Park which is north west of Denver. Estes sits at the foot of the enterence to Rocky Mountain National Park. It is a fun and beautiful town. We stayed at a hotel just past the main part of town, about a half a block up from that. So we were able to walk everywhere we wanted to go. We enjoyed a great dinner at Moma Roses's that night, I had pesto basil ravioli, it was great. We then got some candy at Safeway and made our way back to the hotel. We just talked and talked and then slept and slept. The next morning we got ready and did a little window shopping and then had a hamburger lunch. We then talked some more and then went on a walk and saw some elk. No trip to Estes would be complete without seeing some elk. We made it back down the mountain in time to go to Melissa's stake center to watch the women's broadcast. It was really great we all enjoyed it. It was a great weekend, very refreshing. I highly recommend it to anyone needing a little break.

I had my 20 week ultra-sound today. Everything looks really good with the baby. All the measurments looked great and all the organs measured where they need to be. The baby was breeched and its legs were crossed therefore I was unable to find out what we were having. It was a bummer, but I am not worried. I will be having an ultra-sound once a month so I will have another one in 4 weeks. I hope to find out then. We have a boy name picked out, so if it is a boy we are ready, if it is a girl we are in trouble. Mike said this morning that if it is a girl we need to name it Jacobfina. I am pretty sure he was kidding, but I informed him that this was not the time to be joking about stuff like that. He needs to suggest a name that I can consider. By the way the boy name we have agreed on is Jacob, so I am pretty sure that is where this Jacobfina is coming from. Then he said later that we should name the baby Rachel or Juliana because he really liked both of those names, I said sorry not an option. Oh help me if it is a girl. I guess I will have to wait another month and then hope for the best with the next test.

My blood pressure is elevated and if it does not go down this week I will have to go on the medication. I will watch it closly and hope for the best with that. Please just keep me in your prayers.

Have to go now, more later about the crazy neighbors.


Melissa said...

Yes, the weekend was awesome, I wanna go again! I am so bummed (for me and for you guys!) that baby Nelson did not reveal him/herself today. Better luck at 24 weeks! Hoping for a boy for you; will be interesting if you have to come up with a girl name! Glad baby looks nice and healthy, though.

Anonymous said...

I agree it was such a awesome weekend. It went by too fast. Oh come on Jacobfina is not too bad, hee hee.

Robbie and Barb's Family said...

Hooray! I had no idea you were expecting. Congrats!!! I hope things go a little easier this time around!

Elizabeth said...

Sorry I missed your call yesterday, I'm sorry that you couldn't find out. At least you get another try at it. I never knew what I was having with Oliver and I couldn't stand it! Good luck with a name. Hopefully it will be a boy for names sake.

About Me

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.