Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I am back, I had to do dinner and get Joseph off to Cubs. Just your regular busy night. So, about the job, Mike is safe for the time being although they said that there may be more cuts in the future. But we will hope and pray for the best. He is so close to being done with graduate school so we are hoping he can hold out until then. He will be done this August with an MBA from CU Denver. He is not sure what he wants to do career wise, but at least he will have the degree and he will figure it out later what he wants to do.

The other big thing that we have been dealing with is the baby situation. The great news about that is that we were able to find out that it is for sure a girl. I have thought it may be a girl since the last ultra-sound four weeks ago. I just remember with Joseph it was so obvious that it was a boy. With this one, we could not tell, so I thought, maybe a girl. My two boys were so convinced that it was a boy I did not say anything until I knew. But the ultra-sound tech was sure and she has been doing this for a long time. She did Joseph's and the girl's ultra-sounds as well. I trust her when she says girl. So, we are excited. Joseph is disappointed. I told Mike that he is gender biased. He has been totally convinced that every pregnancy will be boys. This one was no exception. When I called to tell him, he said it was a boy and then I said Noooooo, its not. He was a little surprised. We are both really happy with the news. I think that the age difference between the girls and the baby will be perfect. I think that they will be good buddies when the baby gets older. She will be very well dressed when she hits 3T above. She will have plently of clothes to choose from.

The main concern of course is the naming situation. Ever since the Jacobfina incident we have not really discussed the girl names. This morning while Mike was eating breakfast he said that we should name the middle name for the baby Romney because that is what we had discussed with the name Jacob. I said are being for real?! Romney middle name for a girl?! Oh man! I said no, I love my maiden name but not for a girl name. Oh, please help me someone, anyone?! I guess I may have to pull out the name book that is where I found Juliana's name. He said that he wants a list to choose from. So, I guess here is the list I have so far: Katherine (after my grandma) Caroline, or Claire. So we will see. I had no idea that picking a girl name was going to be so difficult. I will keep everyone informed about it, but there is no rush. We have plenty of time before the baby comes.

My health has not been good. On Tuesday I was officially diagnosed with Preeclampsia. I have been on medication for almost a week and the pressure has not been regulated yet. I go back into the doctor tomarrow so they will deciede then whether to raise the dose or not. The medication makes me very tired, I am hoping that it does not have to be raised any more. The side effects of the medication and the complication is that it effects the growth of the baby. So, we are hoping and praying for the best. Just keep us in your prayers.

Well, I have to go pick up Joseph.


Kayla said...

yeah! It's a girl! I'm so excited, although I was convinced it's a BOY....but we'll have little girls together. Now I'll be really jealous if you go before me, which I'm sure you will......I'm glad baby's healthy, I just wish you were feeling better. we need to catch up....I feel like i haven't talked to you in forever.

Melissa said...

Congrats again! I like your short list of names, will be curious to see where it goes from there! Always interesting with girls name in your house... :)

About Me

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.