Sunday, October 19, 2008

I have a quiet moment on a Sunday afternoon so I thought I would write a little. I serve in the primary presidency in my ward and we had our program today. Yesturday we had our only practice and then a party after. I felt that everything went really well. The practice went good and then everyone loved the party. We had a carnival. The kids went to different stations and did various activities. We had a cupcake walk with hot chocolate to drink. (Eventhough it was 80 degrees outside). We had a fishing booth, face painting, pumpkin making table, and a bean bag toss. Then we ended it with the kids lining up for the limbo. My girls loved the limbo and Juliana was busting some moves out on the dance floor. The kids got nice and messy with the cupcakes/hot chocolate and went away with some fun prizes. They all seemed to have a great time. Mike was roped into helping with the fishing booth, he did great and as usual was a good sport about helping out.

Today was the program. We as a presidency printed out fliers to give out to invite people to come. There were several families who invited people and some who came. The chapel and overflow were very full, we seemed to have a lot of visitors. I noticed that there were lots of grandpas and grandmas there as well. We had a huge turnout. There were over 300 people there. It was a crowd. The kids did great. The music was beautiful. Everyone said their parts. I have to say it went off without a hitch. I think that the other councelor who did the program did a great job and I know she is pleased with how it turned out. It is always nice to get that over with. Then it is another full year until you have to do it again.

Well, I had better go for now.


Melissa said...

Glad to hear the practice/carnival and program went well! Ours was today, and it was beautiful too. Always a relief when it's over, though! Hope you are well - all my family is gone, so we should chat this week.

Joe and Liz said...

I'm glad your program went so well. That's always a relief...and 300 people, WOW! Ours is on Sunday and I will be very happy when it is all done!!

Anna said...

Glad it is over for you. I've got my Super Saturday coming up and that is stressing me. And on top of that, teaching RS, visits, and all that other good stuff. Glad when that is over for me. Hope you are feeling better and things are going good.

About Me

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.