Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beanie Baby Bingo . . . Again

We had our final reunion meeting last night at Children's Hospital. We are now officially done with that group. Joseph had his usual class and we met with the other adults like we have been doing over these last couple of months.

I have decided that there is always something really fun and festive going on for the kids there. Last night, we walked into the main lobby and ran into the woman in charge of the volunteers. She recognized us and called the girls and Joseph by name. She said she had missed seeing them and invited the girls to the fun festival they had going on. They had arranged a group of adult volunteers to come and do various activities. She told the girls the list of activities and their eyes were as wide as saucers and they were so excited. They were able to play beanie baby bingo again and won a beanie baby each. Rachel choose a purple bear named Millennium no surprise there as its birthday was January 1, 1999. Each beanie baby comes with a given name and a birthday. Juliana choose a white unicorn named Mystic. Joseph was given the opportunity to choose one after the classes like last time. He choose a super cute green dragon named Scorch. Then the girls were able to win books and then got their face painted. Rachel got a purple flower and Juliana a pink butterfly. Then they got their picture taken and made a cute frame to go with it. What a fun night as usual for them. Like last time there were many other children there that were very frail and sick. Many were in wheelchairs and had many I.V.'s in them.

We as adults enjoyed a fun pizza party and were able to visit and get to know each other a bit better. It was a fun night had by all.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I once did a story on Beanie Baby Bingo when I worked at Children's, it's just another amazing thing that happens there. Glad the kids enjoyed their prizes!

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.