Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Parties

So, this week we had a couple of valentine's parties.

On Wednesday, the girls had their party for pre-school and had so much fun. They made really cute bags to collect their valentines in. Super cute! They came home with a lot of candy which is now sitting in my pantry waiting to be eaten.

We just got back from Joseph's party at school. It was at 2:00 this afternoon. In years past it was always at 8:00 in the morning, but this year it was later. So, the girls and I went with cookies. He was delighted that we were there. The girls were a little overwhelmed by all the kids, but seemed to have a good time. Then he came home with a lot of candy as well. It was a fun time for me to visit with the other moms and the kids ran around and ate a lot of cookies and candy, it was a party.

Mike and I are looking forward to our plans that we have made for tomorrow night. I choose to make reservations at Buckhorn Exchange which is located at 10th and Osage in Denver. Mike would pass the restaurant every time he would go to school and want to eat there. He mentioned to me several times, so I decided to call about a month ago and make the reservation. It is quite a historical place. It is the oldest restaurateur in Denver. It is located next to the light rail station because it used to be where one of the main train depots were located. So the restaurant was built there to serve the railway workers. It was a saloon and a place for the ladies of the night back in the day. But, now it is a famous old steak house that specializes in serving all types of meats. They have elk, bison and yak. I will not be having any of those. They are also famous for creating their signature dish which is rocky mountain oysters. I will not be eating those either. However, they have several different cuts of stake or lamb chops to choose from those do not sound too bad to me. Mike is looking forward to it and so am I. I will let you know how it is after we get back.

I am still enjoying my time with my Montego. This last week was a challenge. He bolted and ran as fast as he could and then tried to buck me off. Ride 'em Cowgirl. It was an adventure. But, I am still in love with him. I was able to buy a new helmet to go with my new boots and chaps. So, now I do not need to borrow anything from Laurie except her saddle and horse. But, those items are very expensive. So, I will enjoy what I have. I will take a picture of me in the whole outfit and then post it so you can see my new helmet, get the full effect.

My piano lessons are going very well. I am learning a lot. I think I may actually learn how to play. Thanks to Kayla for taking the time to teach me, I love the challenge.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Amy said...

I'll pay you a dollar to eat just one Rocky Mountain oyster! :)
Sounds like you've had a fun yet busy week! Gotta love all of they sugar the kids bring home after all the parties!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful date night. See ya tomorrow :)

Melissa said...

And happy Valentine's to you! Sounds like fun activities, can't wait to hear about your dinner. See you tomorrow!

About Me

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.