Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have returned to the land of the bloggers. It seems that I cannot go a week without some sort of drama with health and pregnancy. But more about that later. Needless to say it has been busy. I posted the pictures of the kids about Halloween but have not written about it. So, the morning began with us walking up to the school to avoid all the crowds for the parade. We sent Joseph into the school and then waited outside for the parade to begin. The weather was perfect, so nice and warm. I just had a sweat shirt on over my jammies. I was not going to have time to get three kids ready for a parade plus get myself ready. Oh well, I was looking beautiful. I think that the sweat shirt was getting a little tight, I am not sure why! As it is I am "borrowing" Mike's pj pants and shirt just temporarily of course. Oh well, back to the parade. It turned out great. The whole school dresses up and walks around the building twice I guess to max out picture time. Joseph looked great and his teacher was dressed up like a book. He reads to the class every day and right now they are reading alot of the Little books if you remember them from back in the day. I read them and watched the cartoons that went with them. So, he made himself into a Little book and the kids loved it. He has a great teacher, we really like him. This is his 23rd year teaching 3rd grade at Timberline, Joseph seems really happy with him.

I will be back, got to go pick up Joseph from cubs.


Anonymous said...

The pictures look great. I bet it was fun for the kids to get to walk around in their costumes.

Melissa said...

Cute costumes! Wasn't it dreamy to have a warm Halloween? Thinking of you often - hang in there!

Elizabeth said...

I wish our school had a costume parade-it looked great!Cute costumes. Hope all is going well-remember to take it easy.

About Me

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My name is Paula, I stay home full time with my three children.